More on Saint
Joan of Arc
Patron Saint of France, Soldiers, Prisoners and Martyrs
Feast Day: May 30th
Discussion Questions for Part One:
Should Joan have trusted in what Saint Michael the Archangel was telling her? Why or why not?
How are Joan and her brother Pierre alike? How are they different?
Does Joan of Arc remind you of our story of Saint Nicholas? What similar qualities do they have?
Discussion Questions for Part Two:
Who was careful in this story? Why do you think they were acting carefully?
What is something you don’t want to forget from the story of Saint Joan of Arc?
Should Joan have sent a warning to the English? Why or why not?
Our Favorite Resources:
Joan of Arc by Diane Stanley
Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Stories of Adventure, Grace and Courage by Carey Wallace
Joan of Arc by Demi
Joan of Arc the Lily Maid by Margaret Hodges
Shining Light Doll Podcast: Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc by Shana Corey
Joan of Arc: God’s Warrior: Great documentary for parents
The Maid: A Novel on Joan of Arc by Kimberly Cutter (for parents)
“One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying; more terrible than dying young”