More on
Saint Thérèse
Patron saint of florists, foreign missions, loss of parents, priests, and the sick
Feast Day: October 1st
Discussion Questions:
Who was noble in this story? Who was foolish?
Should Therese have asked the Pope to give her a dispensation to join the convent? Why or why not?
What is something you don’t want to forget about Saint Therese?
Our Favorite Resources for Kids:
Call Me Little Theresa: St. Theresa of Lisieux by Susan Helen Wallace
The Little Way: A Journey to the Summit of Love by Judith Bouilloc
St. Thérèse of Lisieux by Allan and Veronica Caballaro
57 Stories of Saints by Anne Eileen Heffernan
A Saint A Day by Meredith Hinds
Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage by Carey Wallace
Saint Stories for Kids Podcast: Episode 130
Catholic Family Crate’s FREE coloring page on St. Therese
For Parents:
The movie, Thérèse
Catholic Saints Podcast (Augustine Institute): St. Thérèse on Holiness
Story of A Soul by Saint Therese
“Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant count as nothing ”